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Tray Bruce Fundraiser


Image of Tray Bruce Fundraiser

February 24, 2024
5 pm-10 pm
St. George Citizen's Club - Aurora
Raffles, 50/50, cash bar
$20/pp, no children allowed

From Jen:

It is with a heavy heart that I make this post. Tray was diagnosed with colon cancer the beginning of September. After serval tests and meeting with many doctors we were hopeful that surgery would remove the tumor. He had surgery on October 18th to remove part of his colon. We just found out this past Wednesday that they were unsuccessful at getting the whole tumor and that it has spread to 13 out of 15 lymph nodes that were tested. We are planning to start radiation and chemotherapy soon. I am asking for prayers and support for my family. I plan to arrange a fundraiser to help us with treatment, more details to follow. If anyone can help please message me. We love you all and are not giving up with out a fight. And if you know Tray he is a fighter!! PS I fucking hate Cancer!!!